| St. Thomas Becket, December 29 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - December 27, 2004 |
 | Trusting Moscow - Myth or Fantasy? - Toby Westerman warns about the dangers of a close relationship between the US and Russia - December 27, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Trappist priest is installed as instructor of Zen in Spencer, Massachusetts - December 26, 2004 |
 | St. Stephen, December 26 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - December 23, 2004 |
 | The Night of Christmas - A Meditation by A. S. Guimarães - December 22, 2004 |
 | Jewish Sanhedrin Re-Established in Israel - Bird's Eye View, A. S. Guimarães - December 20, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Paul VI wears the symbol of the Jewish high-priest, the rational of judgment - December 19, 2004 |
 | The Prayer of the Shepherd - A Christmas Meditation by M. T. Horvat - December 19, 2004 |
 | St. Peter Canisius, December 21 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - December 19, 2004 |
 | The Carmelites in Israel: Traditional Habits, Progressivist Doctrine - In her Talks With Jan, Dr. Horvat shows the progressivist infiltration into a contemplative convent - December 15, 2004 |
 | The New Beatifications Create Confusion - Guimarães brings solid evidence of the change of criteria in the new canonizations - December 13, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - JPII receiving circus performers sabotages the seriousness of the Papacy - December 12, 2004 |
 | Russia: Ally or Enemy? - Toby Westerman asks if the US should trust a Moscow government bent on destroying freedom in the Ukraine - December 11, 2004 |
 | The Immaculate Character of the Catholic Church - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira shows how the attributes of the Church and Our Lady are interchangeable - December 8, 2004 |
 | The Immaculate Conception of Our Lady, December 8 - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira comments on the purity, intransigence and combativeness of Our Lady - December 7, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Queen Elizabeth follows the example of JPII and takes off her shoes to enter a pagan temple - December 5, 2004 |
 | Moscow's New Empire - Toby Westerman describes present day Russian efforts to extend its Communist power and isolate the U.S. - December 3, 2004 |
 | Objection: Nothing is wrong with Paul VI wearing the Jewish high priest symbol - Fr. Joseph D. Santos implies that TIA's criticism of Paul VI wearing the rational is due to its ignorance of Church liturgical precedents - December 2, 2004 |
 | St. Eligius (Eloi or Eloy), December 1 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - November 30, 2004 |
 | Heathen Prayer at National Cathedral in Mexico - John Vennari analyzes the visit of the Dalai Lama to the Mexico City Cathedral - November 29, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Cardinal Mahony at an interfaith baptismal ceremony in an Episcopal temple - November 28, 2004 |
 | Relics to Schismatics / Sacramental Polemic / Good Appraisal, Bad Interpretation - Bird's Eye View, A. S. Guimarães - November 24, 2004 |
 | St. Catherine of Alexandria, November 25 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - November 23, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - JPII greets another group of semi-nude native women - November 21, 2004 |
 | Electronic Eye to Track Children - Dr. Horvat asks if the children in Texas today are being prepared for the VeriChip tomorrow? - November 21, 2004 |
 | The Presentation of Our Lady at the Temple, November 21 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - November 19, 2004 |
 | The Fallacy of Roe Vs Wade - Dr. Frank Joseph shows that the Scott Peterson guilty verdict is a case in point - November 18, 2004 |
 | The Vatican Wishes Hindus a Happy Diwali - This is no way to protect children's souls and faith, says Gary Morella - November 17, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - JPII gives the Holy Eucharist to a bare-breasted native woman - November 14, 2004 |
 | The Crisis in Catholic Education and St. Thomas’Solution - Kathleen W. Redle critiques modern catechesis and calls for a return to Scholasticism - November 10, 2004 |
 | St. Justus of Canterbury –November 10 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - November 8, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - John Paul II giving Communion to semi-nude natives - November 7, 2004 |
 | Approval of the War and Other Issues - Guimarães draws lessons from the 2004 elections - November 5, 2004 |
 | St. Charles Borromeo –November 4 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - November 2, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - JPII receives chalices with consecrated hosts from semi-naked natives in the Philippines - October 31, 2004 |
 | A Prisoner’s Testimony on Our Lady of Good Success - A prisoner tells his conversion story in a letter to TIA - October 30, 2004 |
 | All Saints Day –November 1 - Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira reminds us to have recourse to the many Saints who fought the Revolution - October 29, 2004 |
 | Halloween - A Return to Paganism - Are we losing the memory of our Catholic feastdays and customs and sliding into neo-paganism? - October 26, 2004 |
 | A Distributist Manifesto Strongly Spiced With Communism - Patrick Odou shows the communist and anti-Catholic bias of Penty's Distributist Manifesto being resurrected today - October 25, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Fr. Richard Arko, Cleveland Diocese, pleads guilty to growing Marijuana in the Prince of Peace Church rectory - October 24, 2004 |
 | New page on the Canonizations and Beatifications of the JPII Papacy - Commentaries on the Vatican "Saint Factory" - October 23, 2004 |
 | New Search possibilities on TIA website - From today on, you can quickly search for topics you are looking for on our site - October 23, 2004 |
 | St. Anthony Mary Claret –October 24 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - October 22, 2004 |
 | Our Lady of the Rosary - October 7 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira on the significance of the Rosary - October 20, 2004 |
 | The Hand-Over of the Icon of Kazan - Dr. Horvat shows how the Kazan story ends with a triple betrayal of the Catholic Church - October 18, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Liturgical dancing over the altar in the Cleveland Diocese - Aggiornamento - October 17, 2004 |
 | St. Margaret Mary Alacoque –October 17 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - October 16, 2004 |
 | Closing Churches: Incongruent Arguments / Priest Shortage and the Sacraments - Bird's Eye View, A. S. Guimarães - October 14, 2004 |
 | More Important Than a Football Victory - A high school football team in St. Mary's, Kansas forfeits a game for principles - October 12, 2004 |
 | The Media, More Powerful than the White House - A. S. Guimarães criticizes media silence on new findings of WMD - October 12, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - A St. Louis church follows the rock model of John Paul II at its Masses - Aggiornamento - October 10, 2004 |
 | Cardinal Mahony: Master of Cunning and Deceit - Marian Horvat asks: Why isn't the Los Angeles Cardinal held accountable for protecting and promoting guilty priests? - October 9, 2004 |
 | St. Francis Borgia, October 10 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - October 9, 2004 |
 | The Swan's Song of Galileo's Myth - Atila S. Guimarães shows why Galileo's condemnation was just - October 6, 2004 |
 | The Luminous Angelic Protection - Christine Fitzgerald describes many facets of the help the Angels give to us - October 4, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Various pagan sects worship false gods in Catholic churches in Assisi - Religious Indifferentism - Picture 9 - October 4, 2004 |
 | Ratzinger on Communion to Pro-Abortion Politicians - Kathleen Willett Redle criticizes Cardinal Ratzinger's recent contradictions on this topic - October 3, 2004 |
 | The Bad Effects of the Papal Apologies - In the Talks with Jan, Dr. Horvat shows how the apologies give the impression of a "sinning Church." - September 30, 2004 |
 | St. Remigius (Remy) - October 1 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - September 29, 2004 |
 | St. Michael the Archangel, September 29 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - September 27, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Picture - Aggiornamento - A clownish Mass in Switzerland recently - September 27, 2004 |
 | A Catholic's choice in this election - Garry Morella analyzes Archbishop Burke's statement on proportionate reasons to vote for a pro-abortion politician - September 24, 2004 |
 | Revolution and Counter-Revolution - Overview - Atila Guimarães clarifies the use of these terms and presents their full historical meaning - September 23, 2004 |
 | St. Matthew the Apostle, September 21 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - September 19, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Assisi Gathering Meets Under the Symbols of a Tree and Fire - September 19, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Mother Teresa Worshipping Buddha - September 13, 2004 |
 | From September to September: Picture Gallery of Terrorist Activity - TIA pays homage to the American troops on the third year after the September 11 attacks - September 10, 2004 |
 | Archbishop Burke Now Approves Voting for Those Promoting Baby Killing - Dr. Frank Joseph takes a dim view of the Prelate's change of stance - September 9, 2004 |
 | The Da Vinci Code: Blasphemous Thesis and Bad History - Marian Horvat reviews the preposterous fiction - September 8, 2004 |
 | St. Pulcheria, Empress, September 10 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira on the important role of temporal society in building Christendom - September 8, 2004 |
 | The Nativity of Our Lady, September 8 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - September 7, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - JPII among the Schismatics in Poland - September 7, 2004 |
 | Ratzinger on Feminism - Atila Guimarães analyzes the Vatican document on the Collaboration of Men and Women in the Church and World - September 6, 2004 |
 | St. Laurence Justinian, September 5 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - September 3, 2004 |
 | Socialism and Distributism in Catholic Clothing - Patrick Odou critiques A Guildsman’s Interpretation of History by Arthur Penty and its consequences for Distributism - September 2, 2004 |
 | Women In Sports - Marian Horvat analyzes today's sports clothing for women - August 31, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - JPII Sends Icon of Kazan to Moscow - August 30, 2004 |
 | Remember Lepanto! - Guest columnist Robert McMullen describes the great Catholic victory over the Muslims on our new TIA History Page - August 30, 2004 |
 | St. Augustine, August 28 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 26, 2004 |
 | Should Priests Marry and Homosexual Seminarians Become Priests? - Guimarães refutes sophisms about the homosexual/pedophile crisis in the Catholic Church - August 25, 2004 |
 | Can This Story Be Right? - Gary Morella on the article "Pope Bows to Liberty, Fraternity and Equality as Ideals of the French Revolution" - August 24, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Paul VI received at the UN by its president Amintore Fanfani and its secretary U Thant - August 23, 2004 |
 | St. Emilian of Autun, August 22 - Commentary on a warrior-Bishop by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 20, 2004 |
 | Kazan, the End of the Story / JPII Praises Liberty, Equality, Fraternity - Bird's Eye View, A. S. Guimarães - August 19, 2004 |
 | McGreevey Dares to Call Himself Catholic - Gary Morella comments on the impunity of the ex-Governor of New Jersey - August 17, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Religious Indifferentism - JPII kneels and offers homage at the tomb of Gandhi - August 16, 2004 |
 | Prove Totus Tuus to Us! - Michael Cain writes an Open Letter to John Paul II - August 14, 2004 |
 | The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15 - Commentary on the joys of Our Lady by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 13, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - John Paul II preaching at the Anglican cathedral of Canterbury - August 10, 2004 |
 | Bishop Pilla on Communion to Pro-abortion Politicians - Kathleen Willett Redle examines the progressivist "pastoral" of Cleveland's Bishop - August 10, 2004 |
 | St. Laurence (or Lawrence), August 10 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 8, 2004 |
 | A Problem Within the Conciliar Church - Guimarães reviews the book The Bugnini Liturgy and the Reform of the Reform by Lazlo Dobszay - August 5, 2004 |
 | St. Peter and the Vatican Exhibit: Marvelous Continuity, Shocking Change - Marian Horvat makes a photo report of the Vatican art exhibit in San Diego - August 4, 2004 |
 | St. John Baptist Vianney, August 4 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 3, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - The Pope gives a relic of St. Gregory the Illuminator to heretic patriarch Karekin II - August 2, 2004 |
 | The Vatican Pulls a Kerry - Flip-flops on Heretical Politicians - Dr. Frank Joseph on Ratzinger's approval of the US Bishops' statement on abortion and politicians- July 29, 2004 |
 | The Fact, the Metaphor and the Fiction - Patrick Odou reviews Fr. Andrew Greeley's book The Catholic Revolution - New Wine, Old Wineskins, and the Second Vatican Council - July 28, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - John Paul II performing liturgy with heretics at St. Peter's Basilica - July 27, 2004 |
 | On the Post-Conciliar Liturgical Revolution: The Golden Calf Dancers - IV - Kathleen Redle concludes her series, saying "No!" to liturgical and doctrinal revolution - July 26, 2004 |
 | A Catholic Meta-History - Book review of Beyond Politics: A Meta-Historical View by Solange Strong Hertz - July 23, 2004 |
 | Cover-up in the Austrian Seminary Scandal / More and More "Gay-Parades" / A Mounting AIDS Pandemic - Bird's Eye View, A. S. Guimarães - July 20, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Vice-Rector of Austrian Seminary Shown in Homosexual Behavior - July 19, 2004 |
 | St. Mary Magdalene, July 22 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - July 19, 2004 |
 | Our Lady of Mount Carmel, July 16 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - July 15, 2004 |
 | Pictures of a Desecration - Photo Report of Hindu Ritual at Fatima by John Vennari - July 13, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Mass Celebrated in Buddhist Temple - July 12, 2004 |
 | St. Eugenius of Carthage, July 13 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - July 12, 2004 |
 | On the Post-Conciliar Liturgical Revolution: The Golden Calf Dancers - III - K. W. Redle skillfully shows how today's liturgical dances are opposed to previous Catholic teaching - July 9, 2004 |
 | Satanism and the "Incompetent Roman Curia" - Bird's Eye View, A. S. Guimarães - July 6, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Kerry receives Communion in Boston - July 5, 2004 |
 | St. Maria Goretti, July 6 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - July 4, 2004 |
 | Yes, There is a Link between Homosexuality and Pedophilia - Guimarães refutes sophisms about the homosexual/pedophile crisis in the Catholic Church - July 4, 2004 |
 | Pope St. Leo II, July 3 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira on the Pope who condemned Pope Honorius as a heretic - June 30, 2004 |
 | The Confused “Clear Teaching”of the Bishops - On the controversy of giving Communion to pro-abortion politicians, Dr. Horvat shows how the Bishops took a completely relativist position - June 28, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures -
Clinton receives Holy Communion - June 28, 2004 |
 | St. William of Vercelli, June 25 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - June 24, 2004 |
 | Why Shouldn't the Pope Apologize for the Inquisition? - Dr. Horvat talks with Jan about the latest papal apology - June 23, 2004 |
 | The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolution - Review of The Matrix trilogy by A.S. Guimarães - June 22, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - JPII Kisses the Koran - June 21, 2004 |
 | A Father's Day Gift: The Role of Authority in the Family - How does Msgr. Henri DeLassus think the family will be restored? Find out here. - June 19, 2004 |
 | Pope St. Silverius, June 20 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - June 18, 2004 |
 | Vatican II, the Broken Idol / Sabotage of the Document on Liturgy / Satanism on the Rise - Bird's Eye View, A. S. Guimarães - June 16, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Dancing for JPII - Picture 7 - A Youth Day performance at Bern, Switzerland - June 15, 2004 |
 | Manners Make Life Easier - M.T. Horvat shows manners are rooted in the morals and ethics of Catholic civilization - June 15, 2004 |
 | The Role of Real Estate Liquidation in the Decline of the Archdiocese of New York - Michael Ryan comments on the demolition of Catholic churches - June 14, 2004 |
 | Guimarães receives an award from the Daily Catholic Read the homage - June 11, 2004 |
 | From Pentecostalism to Apostasy - John Vennari analyzes the sermon of a charismatic preaching at a papal retreat - June 10, 2004. |
 | The Forgotten Souls in Purgatory - Michael Cain makes a timely reminder of Catholic doctrine on Purgatory - June 9, 2004 |
 | Hindu Ceremony in Fatima / Ratzinger against Public Sanctions on Abortionists / Protestant Zionism - Bird's Eye View, A. S. Guimarães - June 8, 2004 |
 | St. Margaret of Scotland, June 10 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - June 7, 2004 |
 | Is Being Frank Always Advisable? - Adele Blanchard points out drawbacks of modern day frankness - June 4, 2004 |
 | On the Post-Conciliar Liturgical Revolution- Part II - Kathleen Redle presents the testimonies of Sister Lucy and Pius XII indicating a crisis in the Church - June 4, 2004 |
 | Frank Keating praises Guimaraes' new book, Vatican II, Homosexuality, and Pedophilia - June 1, 2004 |
 | Ven. Antonio Margil: Mission to Texas - Article Two: The third epoch of the extraordinary life of the great Franciscan missionary - June 1, 2004 |
 | St. Clotilda, June 3 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - June 1, 2004 |
 | Can A Priest Be Judged by Civil Authorities? - Guimarães refutes sophisms about the homosexual/pedophile crisis in the Catholic Church - May 30, 2004 |
 | A Necessary Divisiveness - J. Sheppard commends the recent good examples of Bishops Sheridan and Wenski - May 28, 2004 |
 | Venerable St. Bede, May 27 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 27, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - John Paul II poses with altar girls - May 27, 2004 |
 | Pope's Approval for the Fatima Interfaith Shrine / La Cosa Nostra I / La Cosa Nostra II - Bird's Eye View, A. S. Guimarães - May 18, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Inculturation - The Pope wears Indian style vestments in Canada - May 18, 2004 |
 | St. Crispin of Viterbo, May 21 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 18, 2004 |
 | "The Sin of Sodom Was Inhospitality" - A Response to This Lie - Gary Morella presents the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas - May 14, 2004 |
 | Life in the Ohwellian Society - J. Sheppard addresses the indifference of the silent majority - May 13, 2004 |
 | St. Antoninus of Florence, May 10 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 9, 2004 |
 | St. Gregory of Nazianzus, May 9 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 8, 2004 |
 | Should Lay People Help Govern the Church? - Guimarães refutes sophisms about the homosexual/pedophile crisis in the Catholic Church - May 5, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Ospolitik - Picture 2 - Paul VI receives Podgorny, chairman of the USSR Supreme Soviet - May 3, 2004 |
 | The Spanish Shame / An Escalating Jihad - Bird's Eye View, A. S. Guimarães comments on Spain's recent shameful withdrawal of troops and election, and the increasing Muslim violence - April 29, 2004 |
 | New page - Ven. Antonio Margil: Apostle of New Spain and Texas - The Franciscan missionary who is called one of the greatest men in American Church History - April 28, 2004 |
 | St. Mark the Evangelist, April 25 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - April 23, 2004 |
 | St. Adalbert of Prague, April 23 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - April 21, 2004 |
 | On the Post-Conciliar Liturgical Revolution - Kathleen Redle shows the post-conciliar liturgical reform constitutes a revolution - April 20, 2004 |
 | St. Michael the Archangel Prayer - The long and short versions - April 19, 2004 |
 | The Previous System Was Fine; The Corruption Came from Vatican II - Guimarães refutes sophisms about the homosexual/pedophile crisis in the Catholic Church - April 15, 2004 |
 | St. Bernadette Soubirous, April 16 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - April 14, 2004 |
 | The Virtue of Saints and the “Rights”of Man - Guest columnist Joseph Sheppard decries the loss of the rights of God in favor of a false notion of the rights of man - April 13, 2004 |
 | The Symbolism of Spring - Christine Fitzgerald shows how the marvels of Spring have many Catholic meanings - April 12, 2004 |
 | No Stone Left Unturned Except One: Vatican II - The flaws and lacunae in the John Jay Report and the National Review Board analysis - April 10, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Ospolitik - Picture 1 - Communist dictator Tito is cordially received at the Vatican by Paul VI - April 10, 2004 |
 | Declaration of Resistance to the Vatican Ostpolitik - Precisely 30 years ago, Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira published a pioneer statement of resistance to censurable papal actions - April 8, 2004 |
 | St. Herman Joseph, April 7 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - April 4, 2004 |
 | China - The Dragon in the Living Room - Guest columnist Toby Westerman warns about the rising military and economic power of Communist China - April 3, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - JPII wear an Indian headdress in Brazil - March 30, 2004 |
 | The Passion of the Christ: A Wasted Opportunity? - Movie Review by guest columnist Gary Morella - March 30, 2004 |
 | A Book that Pulls No Punches and Shows the Problem Starts at the Top - Book Review by Gary Morella- March 27, 2004 |
 | The Vatican's Feminism / Rahner: Heterodoxy Approved as Orthodoxy - Bird's Eye View, A. S. Guimarães - March 25, 2004 |
 | St. Nicholas of Flue, March 21 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - March 21, 2004 |
 | The Miracle of the Little Patroness - In the Conceptionist Convent of Quito, how Our Lady stopped the revolt of the rebellious sisters - March 20, 2004 |
 | St. Joseph, March 19 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - March 18, 2004 |
 | The Importance of Devotion to St. Joseph - Words of St. Teresa of Avila, Blessed Mary of Agreda, and St. Alphonsus de Liguori on St. Joseph - March 18, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - A Dancing Pope - Again? - March 16, 2004 |
 | Kasper's Curious "Code of Behavior" - In his Bird's Eye View, A. S. Guimarães comments on Kaspar's recent visit to Moscow - March 8, 2004 |
 | The 40 Martyrs of Sebaste, March 10 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - March 8, 2004 |
 | St. Thomas Aquinas, March 7 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - March 5, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Dancing for JPII - Picture 6 - Synchronized dancing in revealing leotards for the Pope in Rome's Olympic Stadium - March 2, 2004 |
 | From a Shout to a Whisper / Changing the Face of the Church - Bird's Eye View by A. S. Guimarães - February 26, 2004 |
 | The Nefarious Power of Television - Christine Fitzgerald points out the bad and subtle process that unconsciously changes our customs - February 26, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Dancing for JPII - Picture 5 - Young women in India dance at the Pope's Mass - February 24, 2004 |
 | St. Alexander of Alexandria, February 26 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - February 23, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Dancing for JPII - Picture 4 - Bare-legged young women perform dances for the Pope - - February 17, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Dancing for JPII - Picture 3 - At Youth Day in Santiago de Compostela dancers in leotards perform before the Pope - February 10, 2004 |
 | St. Cyril of Alexandria, February 9 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - February 7, 2004 |
 | St. Isidore of Pelusium, February 4 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - February 4, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Dancing for JPII - Picture 2 - A Youth Day performance at Santiago de Compostela - February 3, 2004 |
 | Feast Day of Our Lady of Good Success and the Purification, February 2 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - February 2, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Dancing for JPII - Picture 1 - JPII blesses break-dancers at the Vatican - January 26, 2004 |
 | Blessed Charlemagne, January 28 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 26, 2004 |
 | Novena to Our Lady of Good Success Begins Today - Official novena for Our Lady of Good Success begins today and ends February 2, her feastday, the Purification of Our Lady at the Temple - January 24, 2004 |
 | Closing Churches / Selling Diocesan Palaces / Clamor for a New Council / Changing the Papacy - Bird's Eye View by A. S. Guimarães - January 22, 2004 |
 | St. Babylas, January 24 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 22, 2004 |
 | St. Sebastian, January 20 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 20, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - JPII rewarded for his support of the Jewish religion - January 19 2004 |
 | Movie Review: Evita - Marian Horvat asks why we always present a false and revolutionary picture of the Catholic countries of South America? - January 19, 2004 |
 | Prayer to St. Joseph for Families - Ask St. Joseph to make your family "a family of saints." - January 19, 2004 |
 | St. Francis Xavier Against Archbishop Fitzgerald - The Saint preaches the need for conversion to the Catholic faith. - January 12, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Comic Pope - Picture 5 - JPII wears an Indian headdress in Brazil - January 12, 2004 |
 | A Tango of Contradictory Statements around the Banjo Shrine - Are the Catholic authorities dancing around the question of UN involvement in the Fatima Congress? - January 11, 2004 |
 | More News on the Interfaith Program at Fatima - John Vennari shows the new meanings of evangelization and mission promoted at Fatima in the name and spirit of Vatican II. - January 10, 2004 |
 | Snowflakes Reflect the Diversity of God - The marvels and symbolism of snow are shown by Christine Fitzgerald in a charming article and poem - January 9, 2004 |
 | St. Peter Orseolo, January 10 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 8, 2004 |
 | Is a Sleeping Giant Beginning to Awaken? - The strong reaction of Catholic public opinion to the Fatima Interfaith Shrine is a positive note in an otherwise sad and scandalous story. - January 7, 2004 |
 | A Grateful Bishop - Joseph Sheppard points out that one Iraqi bishop says Catholics there are better off now. - January 7, 2004 |
 | Church Revolution in Pictures - Comic Pope - Picture 4 - Playing with the symbol of his mission - January 6, 2004 |
 | St. Simeon Stylites, January 5 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 2, 2004 |