THE BEST OF... Michael Cain
Prove Totus Tuus to Us!
Michael Cain
Editor of the Daily Catholic
TIA reproduces here important excerpts of this open letter addressed to Pope John Paul II on the occasion of the Pontiff's second visit to Lourdes on August 14-15, 2004. The bold and pictures were added by TIA’s website desk
 | St. Louis IX led a Crusade. Was he wrong? |
You remember the Crusades, Your Holiness, for you saw fit to apologize on March 12, 2000 to the world for the "atrocities" of the past. I believe you impugned not only the Crusades, but the Inquisition as well, among other "intolerant" acts that were instigated …. to carry out Our Lord's charge (Mk 16: 15-16; Mt 28: 20). In other words, according to your way of thinking, St. Louis IX, King of France and a crusader himself, who was elevated by the Church to the altars was wrong? …. We all know St. Louis was right, as was St. Bernard who preached the Crusade and whose feast we jointly celebrate midway between St. Louis' feast and the glorious double first class Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
While the holy Louis IX carried out all God asked him to be and do, one of his successors Louis XIV did not carry out what he was asked. The instructions were simple but effective, yet the latter King did not have the fortitude and heart to stand up and proclaim the Sovereign Social Kingship of Jesus Christ for his beloved land of France. Because of his refusal, God chastised France, as we have seen from History, and from France this chastisement spread throughout other countries and shaped the world as we know it today. The French Revolution was launched and the cry of "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity" heard far and wide. It was the mantra of the Masons and it has become the basis for the One World Order based so loosely on the canard "Religious Liberty." From this heresy came Communism, Nazism, and Modernism, the latter being what St. Pius X qualified as "the synthesis of all heresies." You have not only heard the cry of "liberty, equality, fraternity, and tolerance" …. But you have yourself, as has your predecessor Paul VI, approved it several times, and have been one of the most duped promoters of the United Nations ….
Consider the recent plethora of Prelates implicated for covering up scandal and sin. We know what Christ said about scandal, "But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in Me, it were better for him that a mill-stone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea" (Matt 18: 6). And yet, how are they who cause scandal treated by you? They are rewarded for their scandal! Cardinal Bernard Law who has been offered the plush 'job' of officiating over St. Mary Major. Is this not only an insult to the faithful everywhere, especially in the sees where he failed as their shepherd, but also to the Blessed Mother herself and her Divine Son? Now multiply that by hundreds and hundreds of Dioceses in which corruption has taken hold and you can see how you have failed miserably not only in trying to curb scandal, but also by encouraging it by not enforcing the strict disciplines necessary. Think of the countless millions of souls who have been deceived thanks to your cohorts at Vatican II and you can clearly see, as should every Catholic by now, that indeed, by their fruits you shall know them.
Is it not a fact that you would have to dig deep and even deeper to find any good fruits, and then, if you would happen to find any, you'll discover that they are only fleeting, and will bruise and be cast into the fire. Did Our Lord not say? "Do men gather grapes off thorns, or figs off thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and the bad tree bringeth forth bad fruit" (Mat 7: 16-17). How can you and those you have appointed - for almost to a man every single Prelate who has caused scandal today was handpicked by you or someone you handpicked to do the job - continue the pollyanna pabulum that the reforms of Vatican II are good and that the agenda of Ecumenism, Humanism and Modernism are pleasing to God? You can't with a straight face. Christ has proved you cannot because your grapes of the "Civilization of Love" and figs of the "New Springtime" come from thorns and thistles. ….
You contradict our dear Savior with such non-sense and un-Catholic talk that Muslims and Christians worship the same God. Do not Catholics worship the Triune God? Does that not entail belief in Three Persons in One God: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? To my knowledge Muslims believe in one god - Allah, and Jews believe in one G-d - Jehovah. Hindus and Buddhists, Voodooists, and Animists don't even believe in one god. Strength in numbers I guess is their estimation in taking a page from the ancient Greeks and Romans.
None of these false religions gives quarter to the New Testament or the Son of God, nor to the Holy Spirit He left to guide His one, true and only Church He founded, outside of which there is no salvation. As Pope you should know that extra Ecclesiam nulla salus is a thrice-defined ex cathedra doctrine. As a Catholic you should know dogma is not up for discussion. .... Yet you continue to pander to pagans. To convert them uncompromisingly I would applaud you and thank God for your pontificate. But I cannot do that because you have not dedicated your papacy or vocation to carrying out Christ's command to preach the Gospel and baptize the unbelievers. Rather you seek to dialogue with the Devil. And where has that gotten you or His Church? I think the problems that engulf you, the devastating declining statistics of Church attendance and vocations worldwide, and the moral decay inside …. the Church clearly speak the answer.
The negatives could overwhelm even the stoutest soul if there were no hope. Hope is slim indeed if we are to count solely on you and the regime you have formed over the past 26 years. Look at the sorry scarlet-clad spiritual Princes you have left to squabble over your legacy and claim the next papal pallium as they emerge from the next conclave …. Devastating to say the least. ….
You remember …. the impression you gave of acceptance of false religions by kissing the Koran, allowing Buddha to be worshipped above the Holy Tabernacle at Assisi, participating in a Jewish ritual and giving creed, by your noticeable silence, to the anathema that …. the Jews no longer need to be converted. Then there is your condoning an Animist ceremony that entailed a serpent no less, and not stopping a Papal Mass in New Guinea where, as celebrant, you participated with topless women who were not only in attendance, but part of the ceremony! The pictures here give just an inkling of the scandal. To confirm that I'm not just whistling 'Dixie' or exaggerating, I invite those who doubt or can't see the emperor isn't wearing any clothes, to view some of the pictures for themselves that document these facts and much better than we ever could in words at Church Revolution in Pictures.
Can you not see the scandal you have caused, Your Holiness? ….
Keep in mind most of these things that were scandalous to so many have been kept from just as many others. Why? Because so many Catholics have hid their heads in the sands of empty promises .... I know, I had my head in that proverbial sand for many years myself. I was blinded to what was really going on because I trusted those in authority who should know, bought the lies and deception, and subscribed hook, line and sinker to the blind-obedience yoke that has kept so many Catholics from realizing the truths of their Faith as it was always taught. Like the blind man in the Gospels, I was blind, but now I see. I take no credit for that. I give all credit to God through His greatest intercessor - His Blessed Mother.
And therein is the link that with prayer and hope will turn things around for you and Holy Mother Church. It is our only hope!
The Pope at Lourdes on August 14, 1983
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This will be your second visit to Lourdes. I've only been there once, but it was an event that changed the lives of my family - for the better. Our turnaround began while attending a traditional Mass at St. Joseph's Church in San Antonio, Texas, during a visit to that area in the summer of 1989. During that Holy Sacrifice - the first time our sons had ever been exposed to what my wife Cyndi and I were weaned on - my heart leapt with joy, like what was experienced by the saints and sinners of the past 2000 years attending what Fr. Faber called the "most beautiful thing this side of Heaven."
It was also a shock to discover afterwards that this totally Catholic rite I had been weaned on and the these good priests performing this Immemorial Mass of Tradition had been "excommunicated." That troubled me greatly, for if it was right for nearly 2000 years, how could it be wrong now. Yet, in blind obedience, I stayed away for nearly a dozen years because of that sinister "yoke of blind obedience." I fear this is what afflicts countless Catholics today. And not only the laity but an overwhelming majority of your misguided Prelates. ….
The Gospel for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost …. deals with the Pharisee and the publican (Lk 18: 9-14). I can think of no greater example in modern times than these pharisaic wolves in shepherd's clothing posing as sage guides. Nothing sage in their actions or conduct except the sage brush that blows through their empty churches and gutted souls. Just a few weeks ago a terrible scandal broke out in Austria in which one of your good friends you had appointed was caught in the cross-fires of what can best be described as the "Abu Ghraib of the Church." …. How quickly these modern false prophets have been able to cover their tracks.
Do you really believe nothing is wrong? …. It would seem so. And so I, and every faithful Catholic, turn to the Blessed Mother for Heavenly intervention.
It can happen because it did for us at Lourdes in the Jubilee Year. In fact, it was while we were at Lourdes that word came of the release of the third secret of Fatima. Coincidence? I think not. It was at Lourdes we had prayed for healing, both physical and spiritual. While I was cured of a blood clot, other ailments remained for it was God's will that I and my family carry our share of crosses, and we accept completely whatever He deigns. But what happened to us at Lourdes was something we never expected. The scales that had been blinding us by blind obedience were lifted and for the first time we saw what was going on. It was a shock to our systems and only through the grace of God were we able to comprehend what we needed to do.
Keep in mind we had a thriving ministry in the Novus Ordo milieu with an ultra-conservative perspective. We had been at the forefront of putting you on such a pedestal that I had dared advance your legacy as "John Paul the Great." I had clothed you with all kinds of plaudits and titles, and joined thousands in chanting "John Paul Two, we love you!" as you circled St. Peter's Square before your General Audience there in early summer of 2000. That was prior to our pilgrimage to Lourdes, for after Rome we traveled to Assisi, one of our favorite places in the world. We knew nothing of what occurred there in 1986 and no one was brave enough to tell us either. But neither could they answer why the earthquakes of 1997 occurred? Now I know. God was not happy with His temple being desecrated so, and not only under your watch, but with you physically present! Before entering the Baths of Lourdes I wouldn't have believed it; afterward - well I had been given the grace not only to believe it, but to trace and study the sources, and be convinced by what our beloved Church has always taught. Do you realize it contradicts most of what you have promoted? That is not a good situation to say the least.
With this in mind we returned to the United States and, determined to know the truth no matter what, we began to pray all the more and poured ourselves into re-studying Church teaching anew, researching every Major Ecumenical Council, every dogmatic decree, and all the poignant and vital papal decrees. It took some time, yet slowly but surely we came to the inescapable conclusion that what has occurred over the past 40 years is in direct confrontation with what went before it for over 1900 years. We had to make a choice: Continue with our heads in the sand, or spread our wings and seek to fly via the worldwide web in shouting from the rooftops and above the rooftops the absolute truths of our Faith and to follow what the wise and holy Cardinal of Trent and Doctor of the Church St. Robert Bellarmine advised all to do when a Roman Pontiff veered from the constituted evangelic and apostolic traditions he was sworn to uphold and preserve:
"It is permissible to resist the Pope when he invades souls and troubles the commonwealth: and moreover, if he appears to be causing harm to the Church, it is permissible, I say, to resist him by not doing what he enjoins and by preventing his will to triumph" (De Romano Pontifice).
Fortunately we had the vehicle to convey this …. We realized God will touch each soul in His time, but He needs souls to do His work, especially when those called to do so in the Hierarchy have undermined Him and His Church. St. Paul emphasized this in Galatians,
"But though we, or an Angel from Heaven, preach a gospel to you beside that which you have received, let him be anathema. As we said before, so I say now again: If any one preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be anathema. For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? If I did yet please men, I should not be a servant of Christ" (1: 8-10).
Realizing this and opting to please God rather than man, we entered by the narrow, lonely gate, forsaking the wide way that, we finally realized, leads to the dead-end of destruction (Matt 7: 13). Yes, …. we persevered because we had discovered the Truth and realized that truly "the Truth will set you free." It did and to help others, we formatted everything we could to share with our readers, which at the time numbered over 110 countries worldwide and well over a million hits a month. We wanted to convey the message that if they wouldn't take our word for it, then read what the infallible, perennial Magisterium says. Slowly but surely our circulation increased again and letters have come in testifying to how this person or that person had gone back to the Latin Mass. That is a success story that will be fully known only in Heaven.
 | Religious Indifferentism - JPII greets the Chief Rabbi before entering the Synagogue of Rome. Click for details.
But what is fully known right now is that you have the opportunity to be open to Our Lady's intentions and God's graces while you are in Lourdes. If God can convert simple folk like us, surely He can effect the same fervor and commitment in His Vicar on earth. That is our fondest hope and prayer. But you have to be cooperative to His graces, Your Holiness. You have to be humble enough to admit Vatican II is a tragic failure proven by the barren fruit. "A good tree cannot yield bad fruit, neither can a bad tree yield good fruit. Every tree that yieldeth not good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire" (Matt 7: 18-19).
The fact that there have been so many bad fruits proves Vatican II is a bad tree. Do you want to procrastinate and have your legacy cast into the abrogated heap of oblivion and perdition? Or do you wish to be remembered, in one of your final acts upon this earth, as the one who returned the Mystical Bride to her rightful place with all the garments of grace and tradition? If you can do that, you must know in your heart that God will forgive you for all the bad fruits you produced prior to this. Oh, man and media, in their idolatrous way, may not understand, but God does and isn't that all that counts?
Keeping that in mind and what is to follow, I respectfully refer you to what Our Lord says: "Many will say to Me in that day: Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name, and cast out devils in Thy name, and done many wonderful works in Thy name? And then will I profess unto them: I never knew you: depart from Me, you that work iniquity" (Matt 7: 22-23).
Is it inspiration or iniquity? You alone know, Holy Father, but your actions are all we can go by for we cannot know your heart. Only God has that privilege. And so it is what we see that we have the right as Catholics to judge and determine if we should be obedient to you or follow the holy Bellarmine's charge to resist with all our might your will from triumphing.
From the beginning of your pontificate you made it a point to let all know you were "Mary's Pope" - going so far as to put an "M" on your coat of arms, which also curiously has the papal tiara above it. Why? Have you not followed the bad example of your predecessor Paul VI and abandoned the papal tiara in favor of the simple common-man pallium that further strips you of the rightful dignity of being Father of Princes and Kings, Ruler of the World, and Vicar on Earth of Our Savior Jesus Christ?
You took as your motto "Totus Tuus" - "Totally Yours" - which I would take to mean is total dedication and obedience to the Mother of God. But while you have talked the talk, walking the walk is another matter. Consider that you have not carried out Our Lady's specific request at Fatima to consecrate her Immaculate Heart specifically and only to Russia. Yes, we know all about your 1984 consecration and your entrustment a few years ago as well, but those were of the world, not Russia by name. It is not good to disregard the specific requests of your Mother.
Then there is that matter of the third secret of Fatima. Do you really expect all to be as gullible as that? Oh, I know there are plenty who have bought it lock, stock and barrel, but not everyone. And it is those who have not whom you should be concerned about for they know the truth. They realize the third secret, which your predecessor John XXIII was afraid to divulge (and we have to wonder why in retrospect) was not about the "martyrs of the 20th century" but of the great apostasy. Our Lady already divulged this in her apparitions at La Salette and her Divine Son did so throughout Sacred Scripture, including His words, "But yet, when the Son of man cometh, shall He find, think you, faith on earth?" (Lk 18: 8). Yet we're fed contradictions that in actuality offer the possibility that either you or the Blessed Mother is lying. It is impossible for the latter; as for the former, the evidence is legion.
 Why did the Pope change the Rosary given by Our Lady to St. Dominic to fight heresy?
And speaking of legions, your insult of all that is holy should haunt every Catholic as I'm sure it does the likes of St. Dominic whose feast we just celebrated. It was to this holy Founder of the Order of Friar Preachers that Mary bestowed the Holy Rosary and the principle behind it. The Rosary is built on the Holy Psalter, which numbers 150 after the Psalms of David. The early hermits used to pray the Psalter using rocks and it had become the fabric of the Breviary. The 15-decade Rosary always was divided by the trinitarian number to give us the Rosary Catholics were weaned on from their early years.
This Marian devotion was observed and adhered to for well over seven centuries and beautifully exemplified in papal encyclicals as the primary private devotion of the Church. And then you come along and upset the apple cart by adding five more mysteries. Why? What was the necessity? Wasn't it enough just to try to get Catholics to take up the Rosary again and pray one decade, at least five decades while meditating on the known mysteries? No, evidently that would be too much to ask. So, if they can't even do that, do you think they're going to welcome adding on to the curriculum?
But you expanded it by giving us the "luminous mysteries." How ecumenical of you! The Mysteries of the Rosary - Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious all included - beginning and ending with the role of the Blessed Mother - as Co-redemptrix, Advocata and Mediatrix - from the Annunciation to the Coronation as scripturally affirmed. Yet four of the five mysteries which were added by you have no scriptural confirmation of Mary's participation, not only diluting the essence of the Rosary but making it more palatable to Protestants by tinkering with yet another sacred tradition. Is this what Christ had in mind (Matt 28: 20, Mk 16: 15-16)? Did He not say also: "Not every one that saith to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven: but he that doth the will of My Father, Who is in Heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven" (Matt 7: 21)? ….
Let us then conclude the passage of Matthew:
"Every one, therefore, who heareth these My words, and doth them, shall be likened to a wise man who built his house upon a rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat upon that house, and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these My words, and doth them not, shall be like a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat upon that house, and it fell and great was the fall thereof" (7: 24-27).
"Great was the fall thereof." Is there a better analogy of this than the disaster of Vatican II? Those who crafted it are, for the most part, gone to their graves, but there are still those of your peers, Holy Father, who in the late, late autumn of their lives should realize that all they built has indeed been constructed on the very sands into which hundreds of thousands of ostrich-like Catholics have put their heads. Christ has foretold what will become of them. There is still time to rescue them by sounding the clarion after you return from Lourdes that you are not too proud to admit you and those who went before you have made a grievous mistake of great proportions.
We are a forgiving lot and you already have those who have pledged their support to help clean up the messes made and help souls find their way back to the solid foundation of the Rock - Christ's infrangible Church, of which "the gates of hell shall not prevail against" (Matt 16: 18). We are not afraid of hard work. That is part and parcel of the makeup of a traditional Catholic, for we are used to sacrifice - both practiced in our life and offered at Holy Mass - too often in a catacomb chapel ….
 St. Augustine said to obey God, rather than men.
One of the greatest Doctors of the Church, St. Augustine, whose feast we celebrate the end of this month, has made it perfectly clear who we are to obey when it comes to choosing between man or God. He has also stated succinctly that "wrong is wrong even if everybody is doing it, and right is right even if nobody is doing it." Just because "everyone" …. might be attending, doesn't make what they are doing right... chiefly because what they are doing is worshipping at the altar of man, not God. How can it be of God when the rite is a synthetic man-made one that has replaced a divine mandate from Our Lord that was polished, organized and set in stone for all time by the Holy Pontiff St. Pius V in codifying the infallible decrees of Trent?
Before I close, Holy Father, where does it say anywhere that a pastoral-only Council can trump an infallible dogmatic Council? I haven't found a single source to verify that, and yet over these past forty years it has been assumed that it can, by elevating Vatican II above not only Vatican I but Trent and Florence. Believe me I've assumed things plenty of times and suffered the consequences because it has made a fool out of you and me, as the saying goes. But most often my assumptions were in private and not set out before the world. You, on the other hand, because you have been given much and much is expected, (Lk 12: 48) have made a fool out of you and me before the whole world. In the spirit Christ taught us, we forgive and forget.
No apologies will be necessary. All we ask is that you, as the obedient servant you claim to be, listen to your Mother on her glorious feast of the Assumption and take her advice and urgent requests seriously. That's about all we can ask at this point, Your Holiness. Your time is fast running out. The time is now to prove you truly are Mary's Pope. Lourdes seems to be your last chance. Countless miracles have resulted from a sincere heart going to Lourdes in good faith. I am living proof of that. This is your time to shine for Jesus and Mary, not man. I pray and hope to God you will not let Them down. Yes, Holy Father, you know your mission before God. For the sake of souls everywhere and for future time, the time is at hand for you to prove Totus Tuus to us!
For the complete text of this Open Letter, click here
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