Book Information
Animus Injuriandi - II (Desire to
Offend - II)
Atila Sinke Guimarães
Offenses against Our Lord, the Four Last things, the Sacraments,
Catholic Morals made during the Council and afterwards
Not so long ago the Catholic Faith was proudly referred to as the Holy Faith. The adjective Holy reflected the great honor and veneration the faithful paid it. The present Volume aims to expose the offenses against such honor.
After Vatican II, an impressive tide of insults rose against the Catholic Faith as it had always been taught. Prelates and theologians felt free to insult the past Faith, its dogmas, sources and sacraments. In Animus Injuriandi II, Atila S. Guimarães offers the Reader an appalling list of such offenses as an expression of the spirit of the Council.
This ensemble of outrages completes the assemblage of insults against the Church exposed in the previous Volume, Animus Injuriandi I. To link the two groups, the Author presents in an initial Chapter a roll of eulogies of heretics, schismatics and Jews made by high-ranking Prelates and theologians. Since the Church had always condemned the doctrines defended by those groups, amply illustrated by the Author with historical examples, such eulogies are indisputably attacks against the honor due the Faith.
This is a heartbreaking read that is, nonetheless, indispensable to anyone who wants to understand what the spirit of the Council is.
Includes an important analysis of John Paul II's visit to the synagogue
Below you will find the Table of Contents to Animus Injuriandi II and the Conclusion
Format: Paperback, 352 pp. (A-28) Publication Date: September 2011
Price: $20

Table of Contents
1. Numerous Eulogies of the Protestant Heresy
A. Official Church Sources Praise Luther’s ‘Religiosity’ and ‘Missio
B. Prelates See Luther as a Charismatic-Prophetic Genius & Herald of Spiritual Renewal
C. Important Theologians Express Admiration for Luther and Other Heretics
2. The Greek Schismatics
3. Regarding the Jews
A. Homage to and Eulogies of the Jews
4. Symbolism of the Visit of John Paul II to the Synagogue of Rome
A. The Symbolic-Theological Character of the Visit
B. Outright Condemnation of the Church’s Previous Conduct
C. Analysis of John Paul II’s Allocution to the Jews
a. A ‘Decisive Contribution’ to ‘Overcome the Old Prejudices’
a.a. Racial Prejudices?
a.b. Temperamental or Emotional Prejudices
* Direct Persecutions of the Jews against Catholics
* Doctrinal Hostilities or Indirect Persecutions Waged by Jews against Catholics
* The Goodness of the Church toward Persecuted Jews
a.c. Theological Prejudices?
b. ‘A Decisive Turnabout in the Relationship of the Church with Judaism’
c. ‘The Church of Christ Discovers Her Link with Judaism, Sounding the Depths of Her Mystery’
d. ‘The Hebrew Religion Is Not Extrinsic to Us, but Somehow Intrinsic to Our Religion’
e. ‘You Are Our Beloved Brothers ... Our Older Brothers’
f. ‘No acollective guilt can be attributed to the Jews'
g. ‘It Is Not Licit to Say the Jews Are Reprobates or Accursed’
D. In Response to John Paul II’s Concessions, the Jews Reaffirm Their False Convictions
a. Passages from Scripture, Hymns & Psalms Sung by the Jews
b. The Speeches of the Rabbis
E. Conclusion of this Analysis
1. God Is an Idol, the Opium of the People; He Should Die
2. God Has Demonic Traits; Hell Is His Proper Domain
3. The Dogma of the Trinity Is Unacceptable to Today’s Man
1. Christ, Founder of a ‘Church of the Condemned’
2. Christ Supposedly Prefers Prostitutes and the Lawless
3. Christ Described as an Androgynous Being, a Model for Homosexuals
4. Christ: a Madman and a Clown; His Divinity, an Unacceptable Myth
A. Christ as Don Quixote - St. Peter as Sancho Panza
B. The Incarnation of Christ: An Unacceptable Myth
1. The Catholic Faith: an Oppressive Burden, a Weak Flickering Flame
2. Faith in Sacred Scripture Is Contested; Other Affronts
3. Offenses against the Dogma of Original Sin
1. Dogmas: Obstacles, Awkward Labels that Must Change
2. Heaven, Hell and Purgatory, Childish Notions that Should Go
A. Evolution and ‘Eschatology,’ Concepts at Variance with Catholic Doctrine
B. The Last Four Things: Result of a ‘Physicist’ Inquiry and Sickly Treatise
C. The Dogma of Heaven: Result of the Church’s Failure to Manage the World
D. Preaching on Hell is Called Egoistic, Bourgeois, Capitalist & Sadistic
E. Purgatory as a Place Should be Changed to Interior Purification
1. Catholic Morals: Deformed, Hypocritical, Scrupulous & Indolent
2. Traditional Church Morals on Sex: a Morbid Dualism
3. Church Morals on Marriage Was Founded on Taboos
4. To Forbid Homosexuality Is Brutal, Pharisaic, Biased & Anti-Christian
5. The Church’s Social Morals: An Infected Moralism

The Conclusion of Animus Injuriandi II
In closing this Volume on the insults made by important conciliar theologians – including John Paul II and Benedict XVI – against the Catholic Faith and Morals, we consider amply exemplified the animus injuriandi that inspires these thinkers.
If we add to this the subject matter dealt with in the previous Volume, which presents the insults made to the institution of the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, we have a broad picture of the affronts made to the honor of the institution and doctrine of our Religion.
Could one ever have imagined – as it is clearly shown here – that from the lips of Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, theologians and priests, we would hear so many offenses against the perennial teaching of the Church?
It seems fitting here to apply to these Hierarchs and theologians the poignant lamentation of Jeremiah facing the ruins of the Temple devastated by the enemies of God: Quomodo obscuratum est aurum... How the gold has become dim…
How was it possible for Shepherds and theologians to have stained the seamless tunic of Faith and Morals by insulting their fundamental truths?
Facing the insolence of Modernism that had infiltrated the Sanctuary itself, the great Pontiff St. Pius X asked himself whether the time of the Antichrist had already arrived.
“When all this is pondered,” he observed, “there is good reason to fear that this great perversity of minds is a foretaste, perhaps the beginning, of those evils reserved for the last days. Such, in truth, is the audacity and the wrath employed everywhere in persecuting religion, in assailing the dogmas of the Faith, in the brazen effort to uproot and destroy all relations between man with Divinity, that the ‘son of perdition’ of whom the Apostle speaks (2 Thess. 2:3) may indeed have already arrived among us.”
Along the same line of thinking, taking into account the blasphemies exposed in these two Volumes that dealt with the animus injuriandi of the spirit of the Council and the persecution of the true Catholic Church they reflect, we ask whether the terrible words of St. John are not applicable to our days:
“And I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy. ... And the woman was clothed round about with purple and scarlet. ... And on her forehead a name was written: Mystery; Babylon the great, the mother of the fornications and the abominations of the earth. And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And I wondered, when I had seen her, with great astonishment” (Apoc 17:3-6).
We would like to be proved that we are wrong, that the documents upon which we based ourselves are flawed, that the statements we transcribed have different interpretations than the ones we have given them. We would like it to be shown that the Author as a mere layman is unable to grasp the deepest theological meanings of the documents cited. If all this could be duly demonstrated, we would be sincerely relieved, because then all that was said and written against the Church would not have stained her perfect orthodoxy. Unfortunately, however, we do not believe that such objections to the seriousness of this Work will even be made, since the documents upon which it is based were issued by reliable publishing houses, known to be faithful to the manuscripts in the original languages and in their translations. Moreover, many of these documents are known, tolerated or even approved by highly placed Hierarchs, if not directly by the Holy See.
The meanings of the documents also leave little room for doubt, since for the most part the texts are quite clear. Further, what we have presented and analyzed here are insults, and in the rigor of logic, an insult can be judged as such, independent of the context in which it appears. Nonetheless, throughout the Chapters we sought to show the consistency of progressivist thinking so that the Reader could see that the cited insults are not opposed to the thinking of Progressivism, but are the natural fruits of it.
Finally, the allegation that a layman is unable to analyze documents and attitudes that lie within the ready reach of any Catholic seems inconsistent; for it is to the faithful – the large majority of whom are laymen – that the teachings of the Shepherds and theologians are directed. Also, our whole analysis was founded on the sensus catolicum – the Catholic sense that lies within the realm of competence of the layman – rather than on elaborate theological subtleties.
Adhering to the initial plan of this Work, after having verified in Volume I, In the Murky Waters of Vatican II, that it was impossible to objectively analyze the letter of the documents of Council Vatican II because of their ambiguity, we began to ask ourselves what the spirit of the Council might be. We then dedicated Volume II, Animus Injuriandi I, and the present Volume III, Animus Injuriandi II, to the study of the purpose underlying such spirit. This provides the Reader with abundant documentation to know what the much-trumpeted spirit of Vatican II actually is.
In the two subsequent Volumes [Animus Delendi I and Animus Delendi II] we will analyze – with the help of the Madonna del Miracolo, to whom we dedicate this Collection – the explicit plan of important theologians to destroy the Holy Church and the Catholic Faith.
To this we invite our Reader.

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