Book Information
Atila Sinke Guimarães
The foundation of the new thinking of Vatican II is the concept of the Church as Mystery. How can this mystery be defined? There is an objection to every attempt to define it since mystery in itself is vaporous, uncertain. To capture this elusive mystery is as difficult as to padlock a ghost. However, Guimarães managed to do so.
In Ecclesia, Volume XI of his Collection on the Council, he exhaustively analyzes every possible orthodox mystery regarding the Church's doctrine, constitution and mission. Based on these established concepts, he easily shows that 'mystery' of Vatican II is something very different. In fact, it is a cover to accomplish a revolutionary goal: The Catholic Church becomes the leaven to unite all false confessions in a Pan-Religion to foster a Universal Republic.
Other new concepts of Vatican II's ecclesiology - People of God, Poor Church, Sinning Church, Servant Church, Church of Love and Church Tolerant - are also analyzed. Each of these new titles targets one aspect of the Catholic Church to be destroyed.
This is a lucid and encompassing study showing the appalling fruits of the Council in ecclesiology. In this last volume of the Collection – which has conclusively demonstrated many other dreadful consequences of the Council – the author arrives at this simple and decisive conclusion: A tree that gives such bad fruits must be cut down. Vatican II is a null and void Council that should be set aside by History.
A must read.
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Below you wil find the Introduction to Ecclesia; its Subject Index and Word Index
Format: Paperback, 320 pp. (A-24) Publication Date: 2009
Price: $20
Table of Contents

A Church that is visible or invisible? Hierarchical or communitarian? Sacral or poor? Holy or a sinner? A queen or a servant? A Church of faith or a Church of love? A Church militant or a Church tolerant?
These seven questions, in our view, essentially summarize the dilemma raised by Vatican II regarding the perennial teaching of the Church Magisterium with regard to Catholic ecclesiology.
It is unthinkable that the present Collection should fail to dedicate due space to this matter. We will, therefore, undertake such study in this Volume. Each Chapter will study one of the questions, presenting the nuances of its fundamental concepts, what Vatican II did regarding it, and the fruits it brought in the post-Conciliar phase.
In dealing with ecclesiology, we intend to close the analysis of the fruits of the Council pertaining to Catholic Dogma.

Table of Contents
1. The Meaning of Mystery in Catholic Doctrine
A. The Greek Origins of Mystery
B. The Catholic Notion of Mystery
C. Knowledge of the Mysteries
a. Analogies between the Mysteries and the Natural Order
b. Analogies between the Mysteries
and the Final End of Man
D. Papal Teaching on the Mysteries
2. Catholic Notion of Mystery Applied to the Church
A. Regarding the Essence of the Church
B. Regarding the Constitution of the Church
a. Regarding the Body of the Church
The Hierarchy and the Faithful
The Pope and the Hierarchy
a.c. Hierarchy and Prophetism
b. Regarding the Created Soul of the Church
c. Regarding the Uncreated Soul of the Church
C. Conclusion on the Mysteries in the Church
3. Vatican II’s Concept of Mystery and Its Application to the
A. The Word Mystery Used in Consonance with Catholic
a. Mysteries Relating to Our Lord Jesus Christ
b. Mystery Relating to the Union of Christ with the Church
c. Mysteries Relating to the Church
d. Mysteries Relating to Worship and the Sacraments
B. The Word Mystery Used in Imprecise or Misleading Ways
a. The Mystery of the Church
b. The Mystery of Christ
c. The Mystery of Man
d. The Mystery of Human History
e. Other Imprecisions or Bad Tendencies Regarding the Use
of the Word Mystery
C. The Word Mystery Used in Meanings Opposed to Catholic Doctrine
D. The Concept of the Church as Sacrament of Unity
a. Notion of the Church ad Extra
a.a. The Church as Synonymous with the Catholic Church
a.b. The Church as Synonymous with the “Church of Christ”
a.c. The Church as Synonymous with the “Church of God”
a.d. The Church as Synonymous with the “Messianic People”
b. Notion of the Church ad Intra
c. Notion of Unity
d. Notion of Sacrament
e. Church as Sacrament of Unity
f. Church as Sacrament of Universal Salvation
E. Conclusion on How Vatican II Considers Mysteries
1. Sacramentality and the People of God
2. People of God from a Historical-Doctrinal Perspective
3. The People of God and the Power to Govern
A. Sacramentality and the Hierarchical-Monarchical Constitution in the Church
B. People of God and the Hierarchical-Monarchical Constitution in the Church
a. Adaptation to False Religions and the Modern World
b. The Egalitarian Foundation of the Notion of People of God
c. Opposed to the Hierarchical Church
d. Official Confirmations
4. The People of God and the Power to Teach
5. People of God and the Power to Sanctify
6. People of God, False Religions, Humanity and Liberation
1. The Poor Church and the Desacralization of the Catholic Church
2. The Poor Church and the Material Goods of the Catholic Church
3. Poverty, the Supreme Ideal
4. The Church of the Poor
5. ‘Liberation Theology,’ and the Official Position of the Holy See
A. The Boundaries of the Concept of ‘Liberation Theology’
B. Actions Recommended by the Church of the Poor to Promote ‘Liberation’
6. The Ideal of Poverty Spreads in the Conciliar Church
1. Various Ways the Church Is Accused of Sinning
A. General Attributions of Sins to the Church
B. The ‘Sin’ of Power
C. The ‘Sin’ of Separating Good from Evil
D. The ‘Sin’ of an Immutable Moral Teaching
E. The ‘Sin of Christians Being Divided’
F. The ‘Sin’ Regarding Social Evils
2. Ecclesia Semper Reformanda
A. A Reform More Radical than Luther’s
B. The Concept of Continual Reform
C. Continual Reform Caused by Union with the World and Ecumenism
D. A Consequence: Contestation in the Church
3. The Pilgrim Church
A. The Pilgrim Church Regarding the Future
B. The Pilgrim Church and Eschatology
C. The Pilgrim Church, the Spirit and Kenosis
1. Concept of the Servant Church
2. The Servant Church Is a Servant to the World
3. The Church Is a Servant in Relation to Ecumenical Unity
4. 'Service' Used to Subvert the Church's Hierarchical-Monarchical Structure
5. The Servant Church, Kenosis and Auto-Demolition
1. The Militant Character of the Church According to Saints, Doctors and Popes
2. Progressivist Opposition to the Militant Character of the Church
3. Attacks against the Principal Consequences of Catholic Militancy
A. The Holy War
B. The Inquisition
4. Elements that Characterize the Church Tolerant
5. Tolerance in Theological Teachings
6. Tolerance and Religious Liberty
7. The Church Tolerant and the New Concept of Missionary
8. The Church Tolerant Demands the Renunciation of the
Church Militant
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