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Misa de Diálogo - CXVIII

La carga fantasma del 'clericalismo'

Dr. Carol Byrne, Gran Britania
Es un asunto de registro histórico que el eslogan fue un elemento básico de la Revolución Conciliar en la Iglesia, como lo había sido de las principales revoluciones políticas del mundo moderno, y se usó en todos estos casos como una forma de control del pensamiento con el fin de “reciclar” la mente de las personas y transformar sus creencias.

Pocas personas hoy en día se dan cuenta de que existen estrechos paralelismos entre los métodos verbales de persuasión utilizados por los líderes del Partido de los regímenes comunistas y el tipo de lenguaje que caracterizó los decretos del Vaticano II y los documentos posconciliares que emanan del Vaticano y las Conferencias Episcopales.

En ambos casos, la selección de palabras estuvo controlada desde arriba por líderes que supieron inculcar su cosmovisión ideológica en la mente de la gente. El Politburó tanto del antiguo régimen soviético como del Partido Comunista Chino produjeron una serie de consignas revolucionarias para que la gente las absorbiera y las repitiera.

Por su parte, la revolución lingüística del Vaticano II fue también un proceso de arriba hacia abajo controlado centralmente de adoctrinamiento de las masas a través de consignas. La noble tradición de la Iglesia de la expresión escolástica fue abandonada y reemplazada por una jerga políticamente correcta formulada, utilizando lemas ideados por las diversas Comisiones y Comités de la burocracia del Vaticano. El paisaje eclesiástico está plagado de eslóganes cargados que se han abierto camino en el uso popular mediante el uso de la fuerza bruta.

Nuevos vocabularios, p. se introdujeron la “participación activa” de los laicos, la “Misa comunitaria”, la “llamada universal a la santidad”, las “comunidades de fe”, la “renovación carismática” y el “testimonio profético”; términos más antiguos como “sacerdocio común” y “diálogo” recibieron nuevos significados revolucionarios; palabras y frases como la transubstanciación o el Reino de Cristo Rey sobre la sociedad fueron consideradas políticamente incorrectas, fueron suprimidas y sustituidas por lemas “ecuménicamente correctos” como “celebración eucarística”, “libertad de conciencia” o la “dignidad del hombre”. ”

La Revolución Conciliar adoptó la verborrea del Partido Comunista Chino: Servir al Pueblo

“Servir al pueblo”, quizás el eslogan más famoso del Partido Comunista Chino, encontró una rápida aceptación en la Iglesia de la década de 1960. Se convirtió en el leitmotiv de los documentos conciliares y posconciliares hasta el punto de eclipsar el deber primordial de servir primero a Dios. “Servir a la comunidad” ahora se considera el principio y el fin del sacerdocio ministerial, y ahora es el tema dominante del “Camino Sinodal” del Papa Francisco.

Incluso el eslogan de la "pirámide invertida", que debe su origen a los trastornos de los métodos ruso y chino de transformar la sociedad, se utilizó repetidamente para reforzar un mensaje revolucionario para cambio en la Constitución de la Iglesia. El concepto clave aquí es la lucha por el empoderamiento de los laicos, lo que implica una transferencia continua del poder eclesiástico de la Jerarquía a los activistas laicos en todas las áreas de la vida de la Iglesia.

Aprendiendo de Lenin

Toda la evidencia indica que las estrategias verbales del comunismo, que una vez caracterizaron la propaganda soviética y la ideología de la Revolución Cultural China, fueron redesplegadas para promover los objetivos del Vaticano II. Nadie puede negar que tienen al menos esto en común: todos fueron concebidos en la tradición marxista-leninista de crear una revolución permanente para combatir y destruir las estructuras monárquicas.

Lenin: “Los explotadores no deberían poder vivir y gobernar a la antigua usanza”

Este fue precisamente el objetivo de los progresistas en el Concilio Vaticano II. Su lema de “pirámide invertida” era un llamado a una revolución en la Constitución de la Iglesia siguiendo el modelo de las ideas de Lenin, quien escribió las siguientes líneas dos años después de la Revolución de Octubre de 1917:

“La ley fundamental de la revolución es la siguiente: para que se produzca una revolución no basta que las masas explotadas y oprimidas se den cuenta de la imposibilidad de vivir a la antigua usanza; para que se produzca una revolución es esencial que los explotadores no puedan vivir y gobernar a la antigua usanza. Sólo cuando las clases bajas no quieren vivir como antes y las clases altas no pueden seguir como antes, puede triunfar la revolución” (1).

Podemos escuchar ecos del leninismo en la Iglesia Católica desde el Concilio, que se aseguró de que la Jerarquía, el órgano gobernante que tiene el poder de órdenes y jurisdicción, ya no “viviría y gobernaría a la antigua”: las tiaras están fuera, la lucha de clases está de moda. Nadie, y menos el Papa, puede gobernar “a la antigua”.

Abundan las pruebas documentales que muestran cómo el Vaticano II logró su propia revolución “comunista” mediante el uso de consignas desplegadas durante y después del Concilio para montar un asalto al sacerdocio sacramental y disminuir su poder y eficacia en la Iglesia. Sin duda, Lenin habría aprobado dejar de lado el sistema de gobierno de dos niveles de la Iglesia por parte de gobernantes jerárquicos que ejercen poder espiritual sobre sus súbditos (vistos por los progresistas como las "masas oprimidas").

Si tuviéramos que elegir una consigna que resumiera todas las demás, sería “eliminar el clericalismo”, una frase que, aunque aparentemente buena en sí misma, ha sido subvertida para adaptarse a los propósitos de la Revolución. (Esto también es parte de la estrategia lingüística que manipula la mente para que acepte un nuevo significado bajo el camuflaje de la vieja fórmula).

¿Cuál es el significado de 'clericalismo'?

Gambetta apuntó al clericalismo como el principal enemigo
de la masonería francesa

No existe un consenso claro sobre el significado de esta palabra, ya que varía según la intención en la mente del hablante o escritor, lo que nos deja con la duda de si es un término real o útil. El hecho de que “Clericalismo” siempre se haya utilizado en un sentido peyorativo en relación con el poder, el privilegio y el prestigio clerical es muy significativo. Su origen se atribuye al republicano y masón francés Léon Gambetta, quien popularizó el mantra “le cléricalisme, voilà l’ennemi (“el clericalismo es el enemigo”) en 1877.

Esta paternidad esencialmente la marca como un tropo anticlerical; se usó solo con el propósito de avivar el resentimiento y la hostilidad hacia el clero, especialmente el Papa, y con la intención de desmantelar las estructuras institucionales de la Iglesia.

Es aún más significativo que la palabra “clericalismo” – como antes “participación activa” (2) – no estaba en uso en la Iglesia antes del Concilio Vaticano II. De repente, la gente estaba viendo ejemplos de él apareciendo por todas partes y se apresuraban a deshacerse de él, aunque no había sido claramente identificado. Y los sacerdotes que simplemente continuaban en sus roles tradicionales y eran completamente inocentes de cualquier delito menor, fueron declarados culpables del "pecado", "crimen" o "enfermedad" del "clericalismo".

De hecho, bajo el significado cada vez mayor del término, no hay posiciones tradicionales que no sean marcadas como “clericalismo” por los reformadores. El campo ha quedado completamente abierto a la interpretación de aquellos fuera de la Iglesia que resienten las afirmaciones históricas de la Iglesia, así como de aquellos dentro de ella que envidian al clero su estatus superior y desean liberarse de su autoridad espiritual.

Antes de continuar con los detalles de lo que constituye el “clericalismo” en la mente de los reformadores, aclaremos la naturaleza de la bestia que estamos a punto de examinar. Estamos ante la nueva eclesiología del Vaticano II que revolucionó –en el sentido de poner patas arriba– la naturaleza monárquica de la Iglesia, sustituyéndola por un “ministerio de todos los creyentes” (sin preocuparse demasiado por lo que realmente creían).

En los próximos artículos, será útil tener en cuenta que los obispos en el Concilio que llamaron al rechazo del primer esquema sobre la Constitución de la Iglesia lo hicieron precisamente porque apoyaba la estructura monárquica de la Iglesia que consideraban inaceptable. Así que se embarcaron en una campaña de difamación en su contra, denunciando su estructura piramidal de dos niveles como una forma de “clericalismo”.

Esto revela que la consigna, recién reinventada con el propósito de derrocar la Constitución de la Iglesia, estaba cargada de connotaciones negativas contra el estamento clerical. Abordaremos ahora la cuestión de si las motivaciones y actitudes que los progresistas atribuyen al clero son reales o meramente percibidas.

Continuará ...

  1. Vladimir Ilich Lenin, Sobre la cultura y la revolución cultural, Moscú: Progress Publishers, 1970, p. 94.
  2. Para un análisis detallado de la historia de la "participación activa" como lema litúrgico, consulte el Volumen 1.

Publicado el 13 de agosto de 2022

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Special Edition

Pre & Post Liturgical Movement Attitudes to Minor Orders - Dialogue Mass 109 by Dr. Carol Byrne
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Dialogue Mass - CX

Pre & Post Liturgical Movement Attitudes to Minor Orders

Dr. Carol Byrne, Great Britain
When we compare the traditional view of Minor Orders with the treatment they received at the hands of liturgical reformers in the 20th century, it becomes evident that the two positions stand in dire contrast to each other. To illustrate this point in greater depth, let us turn again to the exposition of Minor Orders made by Fr. Louis Bacuez who modestly introduced his magnum opus as follows:

minor orders

Starting the whittling away of respect
for the Minor Orders...

“This little book is a sequel to one we have published on Tonsure. God grant that those who make use of it may conceive a great respect for Minor Orders and prepare for them as they should! The dispositions with which they approach ordination will be the measure of the graces they receive, and on this measure depends, in a great part, the fruit that their ministry will produce. To have a rich harvest the first thing necessary is to sow well: Qui parce seminat parce et metet; et qui seminat in benedictionibus de benedictionibus et metet. (2 Cor. 9:6)” (1)

Little did he realize that when he wrote these words every vestige of respect for the Minor Orders would be whittled away by the concerted efforts of progressivists with a negative and dismissive attitude towards them; and that the Liturgical Movement, which had just begun when he published his book, would be dominated by influential liturgists discussing how to overturn them.

Long before the term “Cancel Culture” was invented, they presented the Minor Orders as a form of class-based oppression perpetrated by a clerical “caste” and as a form of spiritually empty legalism, and they went to great lengths to make them look ridiculous.

Far from showing due respect, this involves quite a considerable degree of contempt, not only for the generations of seminarians who were formed within this tradition, but also for the integrity of the great institution of Minor Orders that had served the Church since Apostolic times. In fact, so great was their animosity towards the Minor Orders that they could hardly wait to strip them of their essential nature as functions of the Hierarchy and turn them into lay ministries.

A tree is known by its fruits

These, then, were the hate-filled dispositions that inspired the progressivist reform, and would determine the graces received and the fruit to be produced by those who exercise the new lay “ministries” as opposed to, and in place of, the traditional Minor Orders.

Fr. Bacuez, who wrote his book in the pontificate of Pius X, could never, of course, have envisaged the demise of the Minor Orders, least of all at the hands of a future Pope. He was concerned lest even the smallest amount of grace be lost in the souls of those preparing for the priesthood:

blighted fruit

Blighted fruits from a sick tree

“We shall see, on the Last Day, what injury an ordinand does to himself and what detriment he causes to souls by losing, through his own fault, a part of the graces destined to sanctify his priesthood and render fruitful the fields of the Heavenly Father: Modica seminis detractio non est modicum messis detrimentum. (St. Bernard)” (2)

We do not, however, need to wait till the Last Day to see the effects of a reform that deliberately prevents, as by an act of spiritual contraception, the supernatural graces of the Minor Orders from attaining their God-given end: “to sanctify the priesthood and render fruitful the fields of the Heavenly Father.” For the evidence is all around us that the tree of this reform produced blighted fruits.

First, we note a weakening of the hierarchical structure of the Church and a blurring of the distinction between clergy and laity; second, a “contraceptive” sterility resulting in vocations withering on the vine and below replacement level, seminaries and churches closing down, parishes dying, and the decline in the life of the traditional Catholic Faith as seen in every measurable statistic. The conclusion is inescapable: those who planted this tree and those who now participate in the reform are accomplices in a destructive work.

Advantages of the Minor Orders

A substantial part of Fr. Bacuez’ exposition of the Minor Orders is devoted to the inestimable benefits they bring to the Church. These he divided into the following three categories:
  • The honor of the priesthood;

  • The dignity of worship;

  • The perfection of the clergy.
It is immediately apparent that the Minor Orders were oriented towards the liturgy as performed by the priest and his ministers. In other words, they existed for entirely supernatural ends invested in the priesthood.

A significant and entirely appropriate omission was any mention of active involvement of the laity in the liturgy. Fr. Bacuez’ silence on this issue is an eloquent statement of the mind of the Church that the liturgy is the preserve of the clergy.

We will now take each of his points in turn.

1. The honor of the priesthood

“A statue, however perfect, would never be appreciated by most people, unless it were placed on a suitable pedestal. Likewise the pontificate, which is the perfection of the priesthood, would not inspire the faithful with all the esteem it merits, if it had not beneath it, to give it due prominence, these different classes of subordinate ministers, classes inferior one to another, but the least of which is superior to the entire order of laymen.” (3)

toppling statues

Toppling statues has become popular today:
Fr. Serra in central Los Angeles, California

It is an example of dramatic irony that Fr. Bacuez unwittingly chose the theme of a statue supported by a pedestal to illustrate his point. He was not to know that statues of historical figures would become a major source of controversy in the culture wars and identity politics of our age.

Nor could he have foreseen that toppling monuments – both metaphorical and concrete – was to become a favorite sport of the 20th-century liturgical reformers, their aim being to exalt the status of the laity by “active participation” in clerical roles. And never in his wildest imagination would he have suspected that a future Pope would join in the iconoclastic spree to demolish the Minor Orders about which he wrote with evident pride and conviction.

'Don’t put the priest on a pedestal'

However, the revolutionaries considered that esteem for the Hierarchy and recognition of its superiority over the lay members of the Church was too objectionable to be allowed to survive in modern society. The consensus of opinion among them was that clergy and laity were equals because of their shared Baptism, and placing the priest on a pedestal was not only unnecessary, but detrimental to the interests of the laity.

“Don’t put the priest on a pedestal” was their battle cry. It is the constant refrain that is still doing the rounds among progressivists who refuse to give due honor to the priesthood and insist on accusing the Church of systemic “clericalism.”

But the fundamental point of the Minor Orders – and the Sub-Diaconate – was precisely to be the pedestal on which the priesthood is supported and raised to a position of honor in the Church. When Paul VI’s Ministeria quaedam dismantled the institutional underpinnings of the Hierarchy, the imposing pedestal and columns that were the Minor Orders and Sub-Diaconate were no longer allowed to uphold and elevate the priesthood.

The biblical underpinnings of the Minor Orders

Fr. Bacuez made use of the following passage from the Book of Proverbs:

“Wisdom hath built herself a house; she hath hewn out seven pillars. She hath slain her victims, mingled her wine, and set forth her table.” (9: 1-2)


An ordination to the minor order of exorcist, one of the seven columns

He drew an analogy between “the seven columns of the living temple, which the Incarnate Wisdom has raised up to the Divine Majesty” and all the clerical Orders (four Minor and three Major) that exist for the right worship of God. In this, he was entirely justified. For, in their interpretation of this passage, the Church Fathers concur that it is a foreshadowing of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass performed, as St. Augustine said, by “the Mediator of the New Testament Himself, the Priest after the order of Melchisedek.” (4)

In the 1972 reform, no less than five (5) of the seven columns were brought crashing down from their niches in the Hierarchy to cries of “institutionalized clericalism,” “delusions of grandeur” and “unconscious bias” against the laity.

To further elucidate the affinity of the Minor Orders to the priesthood, Fr. Bacuez gave a brief overview of the cursus honorum that comprised the Orders of Porter, Lector, Exorcist, Acolyte, Sub-Deacon, Deacon and Priest before going on to explain their interrelatedness:

“These seven powers successively conferred, beginning with the last, are superimposed one upon the other without ever disappearing or coming in conflict, so that in the priesthood, the highest of them all, they are all found. The priest unites them all in his person, and has to exercise them all his life in the various offices of his ministry.” (6)

After Ministeria quaedam, however, these rights and powers are no longer regarded as the unique, personal possession of the ordained, but have been officially redistributed among the baptized. It was not simply a question of changing the title from Orders to “ministries”: the real locus of the revolution was in taking the privileges of the “ruling classes” (the representatives of Christ the King) and giving them to their subjects (the laity) as of “right.”

The neo-Marxist message was, and still is, that this was an act of “restorative justice” for the laity who had been “historically wronged.” For the liturgical progressivists, 1972 was, apparently, the year of “compensation.”


  1. Louis Bacuez SS, Minor Orders, St Louis MO: B. Herder, 1912, p. x. “He who soweth sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he who soweth in blessings shall also reap blessings.”
  2. Ibid., St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Lenten Sermon on the Psalm ‘Qui habitat,’ Sermones de Tempore, In Quadragesima, Preface, § 1: “If, at the time of sowing, a moderate amount of seed has been lost, the harm done to the harvest will not be inconsiderable.”
  3. Ibid., p. 6.
  4. St. Augustine, The City of God, book XVII, chap. 20: "Of David’s Reign and Merit; and of his son Solomon, and of that prophecy relating to Christ, which is found either in those books that are joined to those written by him, or in those that are indubitably his."
  5. These were the four Minor Orders and the Major Order of the Sub-Diaconate.
  6. L. Bacuez, op. cit., p. 5.

Posted December 10, 2021

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