Book Information
The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana
Volume II
Fr. Manuel Sousa Pereira - 1790
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Format: Paperback, 358 pp. Publication Date: 2006
Price: $20
The only centuries-old source
available on the topic.
Recounts the apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success
pertinent to our days
Translated by Marian T. Horvat
Volume II continues the account of the apparitions and favors from Our Lady of Good Success to Mother Mariana in the 17th century. Our Lady told her that a great crisis in the Church would begin in the middle of the 20th century, and that only then would this devotion become known, for it would be a remedy for that crisis.
The prophecies specific to our times describe an enormous apostasy in the Church, the general corruption of the clergy and Prelates, heresies, the abandonment of the rules in convents and monasteries, and the culpability of high ecclesiastical authorities.
Our Lady predicted that at the moment when the abuse of those authorities would reach an apex and the situation would seem lost, she would intervene and restore the Catholic Church to her proper splendor.
Volume II also tells the story of how the statue of Our Lady of Good Success was made and miraculously completed on January 16, 1611 by the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael and St. Francis of Assisi. It ends with the moving account of the reading of her last will and testament to the Convent, her death, and the first miracles that followed.
This devotion has been approved by Church authorities since 1611.
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The 4th Apparition of Our Lady of Good Success

About Fr. Manuel Sousa Pereira
What Readers Are Saying
"The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana became for me an essential book that I have kept by my bedside, and from which I read every single day." - C.C.
I asked Our Lady of Good Success to please grant the two favors for which I have been praying my entire adult life. She granted both within a few days of asking! I am so grateful to Our Lady for her help, and I don't tire of thanking her every day."
I owe my fast and good recovery to Our Lady of Good Success. I still say the Novena to her every day morning and night for my family and in thanksgiving for all the blessings Our Lady has granted me." - D.D.B.
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Table of Contents
Foreword to Volume II
Introduction: Fourth apparition of Our Lady of Good Success to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres on January 21, 1610
Chapter 1. Fifth apparition of the Holy Virgin of Good Success to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres on February 2
Chapter 2. Mother Mariana of Jesus speaks with Bishop Salvador de Ribera - He orders the Statue of Our Lady of Good Success to be made
Chapter 3. Favors that Mother Mariana receives from God and a special grace given to Bishop Ribera through her prayers
Chapter 4. The crosier from the Marquesa arrives from Spain – The Archangels finish the Statue of Our Lady of Good Success
Chapter 5. Solemn anointment of the Sacred Statue – Bishop Ribera delivers the keys of the cloisters to Our Lady of Good Success – The death of Bishop Ribera
Chapter 6. Devotion to Our Lady of Good Success grows – The priorate of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres ends – Three years later she is again elected Abbess – She continues to govern the Convent with prudence and discernment for various three-year terms – Favors and graces she receives from God during these times
Chapter 7. New graces and revelations granted to Mother Mariana – Persecutions of the Devil
Chapter 8. Our Lady foretells the war of independence to Mother Mariana – She sees what will come to pass in the Colony – Admirable visions and extraordinary graces
Chapter 9. A new apparition of Our Lady of Good Success to Mother Mariana in 1634 – Her Divine Spouse shows her the sufferings of her Convent in the 20th century and she weeps over its desolation
Chapter 10. New favors conceded to Mother Mariana and another apparition of the Blessed Virgin of Good Success
Chapter 11. From Heaven, Mother Mariana converts a soldier, Manuel Sousa Pereira, who becomes a Friar in the Franciscan Order, protects her Convent, and writes her biography
Chapter 12. Continuation of the prodigious life of Mother Mariana – Her heroic virtues in the last months of her life
Chapter 13. Mother Mariana’s charity and maternal love for the families of her Religious – She saves the relatives of one of her daughters – The gift of bilocation
Chapter 14. The loving care of the Convent in preparing for the Feast of Christmas – Admirable apparition of Our Lady of Good Success of February 2, 1634 in which the Sanctuary light is extinguished – The five meanings for this
Chapter 15. A vision of St. Francis of Assisi – Mother Mariana is named Novice Mistress nine months before her death
Chapter 16. Apparitions of St. Ignatius de Loyola, Mother Beatrice da Silva, and St. Francis of Assisi – New gifts from Our Lord and Our Lady
Chapter 17. The admirable charity of Mother Mariana toward the inhabitants of Quito – She establishes peace between two quarreling families and performs an exorcism
Chapter 18. The sickness and death of Mother Francisca of the Angels – Vision of the Sacred Heart of Jesus riddled with small, piercing thorns and its significance
Chapter 19. Last apparition of Our Lady of Good Success on December 8, 1634 – Significance of the objects carried by the Three Archangels – The corruption of Priests and Religious Orders
Chapter 20. The Feast of her last Christmas – The affliction of the nuns in the Convent
Chapter 21. The last days of Mother Mariana – She receives Extreme Unction and speaks to her daughters
Chapter 22. Last Will and Testament – Last blessing and death of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres on January 16, 1635
Chapter 23. Death of Mother Zoila Blanca Rosa - A miraculous cure – Burial of the two Mothers

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