Our Lady of Good Success
St. John Vianney said that when Divine Providence wanted to make a particular saint or devotion known, God permits special favors to be granted by this avenue. Thus Divine Providence acts to foster new devotions or rejuvenate old ones. For example, by means of the special devotion of the Cure d' Ars to St. Philomena, she became known and loved as a great wonder-worker throughout the world.
Over 300 years ago in Quito, Ecuador, Our Lady told Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres that the devotion to Our Lady of Good Success would start to be known throughout the world at the end of the 20th century. She promised her special aid and assistance to those who would have recourse to her under this title. Because Our Lady of Good Success wants to be known now, she is interceding in wonderful ways for those who pray to her.
Extraordinary Cure of a Prenatal Child
A Near Brush with Deat and Miraculous Recovery
After 39 Years, Two Favors Granted
A Christmas Miracle
A Fast Recovery
Novena Brings Work
A Prisoner Converts
Send us your story as a 'thank you' to Our Lady of Good Success for favors received and miracles worked. We will publish them here.

After 39 Years, A Favor Granted
Thank you very much for the two books on Our Lady of Good Success and the four holy cards of her and one of Mother Mariana. As of three days ago I finished reading both books and now have a stronger love for Our Lady under her title of Good Success.
I”ve especially prayed to her for two urgent spiritual favors because she promised to answer our prayers if we prayed to her under the name of Our Lady of Good Success. So I prayed very often, asking her to please grant the two favors for which I have been praying my entire adult life (I am age 59).
She granted both within a few days of asking! I am so grateful to Our Lady for her help and I don’t tire of thanking her every day.
Now when I pray to Our Lady, it is always under her title of “Our Lady of Good Success.” I am presently praying for the Poor Souls in Purgatory and for the quick restoration of our Catholic Church. ….
I am very grateful to you for making available these very important books, holy cards and web pages. Thus, I have written this to encourage you onwards as yours is certainly a work that pleases Almighty God and our Blessed Mother.
R.F.H., Paradise, CA

Christmas Miracle of Our Lady of Good Success
 Our Lady of Good Success cures a little girl |
I thought you would like to hear a little story of a real Christmas miracle. I believe that Our Lady of Good Success (Quito, Ecuador) wants to be known in these times and that is why she is interceding is such extraordinary ways.
A young couple, very good friends of our family, had their 5th child, a little girl, Rose, a year and a half ago. In the last month or so, they were getting worried because she was having acne problems, and her breasts had begun to develop and she was already growing pubic hair. They took her to the doctor and he diagnosed it as that horrible disease (which is becoming more and more common) where girls, and even babies, begin to develop prematurely. He said that little Rose could possibly even have a period within the next six months because she was developing so quickly. She was due for another appointment in two weeks.
So my mother and I and Rose's mother and father all started a novena to Blessed Mother Mariana and Our Lady of Good Success. Two days ago was her appointment, and the doctor was shocked. He gave little Rose a clean bill of health! A real miracle.
You can imagine the joy of the parents.
They are going to get a testimony from the doctor and send it to the convent of the Immaculate Conception in Quito, because they are asking to know about cases of miracles to further the cause of Mother Mariana's beatification.
For me, a good-news Christmas story is refreshing and offers much hope. Our Lady won't abandon us -- or the Church -- even though the times are so very difficult and there is so much bad news.
T.P, Kansas City, KS
A Fast Recovery
In October 2002, the arthritis in my left hip was so great I could not get out of bed. I had undergone a triple bypass one year before, and two of the by-passes had collapsed. The doctor said I was not a good candidate for a hip operation because the chances were good I would not survive it.
This is when I was given a book on the miracles of Our Lady of Good Success along with a Novena. I must have said this novena five or six times a day. I remember saying the Hail Mary going into the operating room and saying it when I was coming to. The doctor are absolutely amazed at my fast recovery – three weeks in a rehabilitation home, on the walker for three weeks, and now I am only using a cane, and will soon not need it.
I owe all of this fast and good recovery to Our Lady of Good Success. I still say the Novena to this day morning and night, for my family and in thanksgiving for all the blessings Our Lady has granted me.
Mr. D. D. B, Arcadia, California
Novena Brings Work
Thank you for sending me your brochures, especially the novena to Our Lady of Good Success. It came at a time when I needed work. I said if faithfully for nine days. On the tenth day, the work came. I copied your novena and sent it to my sister who also needs work. Now I am looking forward to hearing and learning more about Our Lady's visit to the holy Sister. Thank you again.
M.I.K., Birmingham, AL
Posted February 1, 2003

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