Book Information
The Marvelous St. Philomena
Marian Horvat, Judith Mead, Ellyn Miller & Catherine Croisette
How the Virgin-Martyr made herself known by the miracles she worked -
and continues to work!
Found in the Catacombs in 1802, St. Philomena soon made herself known throughout the world by the thousands of miracles she worked and multiple favors she granted. Those miracles continue today. "Pray to St. Philomena. Whatever you ask from her she will obtain for you," said Pope Gregory XVI.
Four devotees of the Virgin-Martyr - Marian Horvat, Judith Mead, Ellyn Miller and Catherine Croisette - bring to light this work on the Saint's life and the history of the devotion. Simply told, easy to read, this tribute to St. Philomena - called the Light of the Church Militant by St. John Vianney - explains why she is a Saint for our days.
Whether you know St. Philomena or not, this is the book for you. Her immense charm permeates its pages, drawing souls to the virtues she practiced - a heroic faith and shining chastity - virtues especially needed in the 21st century modern world.
She is a model for youth and comforter of the suffering and sick, ready to respond to every request, temporal or spiritual, great or small. Truly, she is the marvelous St. Philomena.
Includes a chapter of prayers and devotions
Below you will find the Preface to The Marvelous St. Philomena
& the Table of Contents
Format: Paperback, 88 pp. (A-31)
Publication Date: October 2013
Price: $10

At times a word of good advice can be more precious than a blind eye restored.
One knows that, normally speaking, a spiritual benefit is nobler than a material good, and an improvement in the spiritual life can be – and often is – of more value than the cure of a physical organ that has become diseased. Here, however, the topic at hand is less elevated than the spiritual ascent to conquer the castles of the soul. It refers simply to how this book The Marvelous St. Philomena was born.
The members of TIA have always had a special sympathy for the charming spiritual action of St. Philomena. This charm is a reflection of the charm that the young Greek Princess had in life. Indeed, already at age 13, she was so noble, so gifted and so precociously beautiful that the famous Emperor Diocletian himself – one of the greatest politicians of History as well as one of the greatest enemies of the Catholic name – could not resist her charm.
The delightful Princess who charmed the Roman tyrant could not be conquered by him, however. Instead, she was won by the Lord of Lords to Whom she was spiritually espoused. The great power of the envious Pagan could not vanquish the Virgin
Spouse of the Immaculate Lamb.
Thinking that he would destroy her by inflicting torments and even death, Diocletian was actually amplifying her charm and preparing her to be received in Heaven by her true Spouse, the King of Kings. How precious must that young lady have been to be the object of such a dispute between the Emperor of Heaven and an Emperor of Earth!
In the end, she died at Diocletian’s hands, but her charm did not die. It continues to be present in the graces and benefits she distributes from the privileged place Our Lord has given her at His side. It is not surprising, therefore, that we at TIA were also charmed by her.
More than once TIA has been asked to disseminate St. Philomena’s name, but our attempts were not crowned with success. After one of these failures, while praying to know how to overcome the obstacles, one of our members received this advice, which, like all true messages that come from grace, is clear and generates calm: “Why don’t you take the
initiative of publishing a book on her?”
Following this advice, Dr. Marian Horvat was approached to see if she would be willing to play a part in the project. She accepted. Her contribution is found in chapters one to six of this book.
Next, Mrs. Judith Mead was contacted, and she agreed to take charge of selecting the best prayers to St. Philomena to offer our readers. Chapter eight was born from her effort. In addition, she undertook the job of fundraising to make the project possible. Dr. Horvat and Mrs. Mead also were asked to offer their input to Miss Alexis Ariana Reyes, of our art desk, to assist in creating the final cover of this book.
The book needed an Introduction. What could be better for this purpose than the article published by Mrs. Ellyn Miller on the TIA website in August 2003, which presents presuppositions for this devotion? Mrs. Miller, a great devotee of St. Philomena, amiably gave her permission to use it.
The director of the California Center of the Universal Archconfraternity of St. Philomena is Mrs. Catherine Croisette, another close friend of TIA. She graciously agreed to give a testimony on how she became a great devotee of the Saint. Chapter seven is her contribution.
Thus, a prestigious team of ladies naturally formed to make this book possible and to disseminate St. Philomena’s name.
The book is almost ready to go to print. An edition of 5,000 copies is planned. In order for that subtle advice to come to fruition, the last thing necessary is to see if St. Philomena will bring a large audience for this edition.
If this work does in fact reach a large public, and the light of St. Philomena does shine on so many people, is it not a great spiritual gift? Is it not more than having one’s blind eye cured?
This is why a counsel to publish a book may be at times more than an individual cure.
St. Philomena, Queen of Charm, TIA thanks you for the privilege of serving you.
- A.S.G.

Table of Contents
Chapter I - The Saint Is Found
Chapter 2 - To Mugnano via Naples
Chapter 3 - A Golden Chain of Miracles in Mugnano
Chapter 4 - The History of her Martyrdom
Chapter 5 - The Miracle of Pauline Jaricot
Chapter 6- The Special Friend of the Curé d’Ars
Chapter 7 - Testimonial
Important Days Celebrating St. Philomena
Patronage of St. Philomena

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