Book Information
Stories and Miracles of
Our Lady of Good Success
Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.
Book two: More details on Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres
and the miraculous statue of Our Lady in Quito, Ecuador.
In response to the many requests from readers of her first book Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times, the author has provided more details about the manner in which Our Lady's statue was carved by the pious sculptor Francisco del Castillo and then completed by the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.
This book includes several related stories, including that of the Marquesa Maria de Yolanda, who befriended the Convent with her generosity and who experienced a miraculous healing.It also tells about the devil's incitement of hostility between two families and how Mother Mariana was guided from heaven to drive the demons away and thus restore peace.
A chapter is devoted to the vision of the Child Jesus of the Cross on Pichincha Mountain who exhorted the sisters to "always be the heroines of your country during the bitter and dire times that will come."
Format: Paperback, 102 pp. Publication date: 2002
Price: $8
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Photographs from Book
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Some Photographs from the Book:

The Conceptionist Convent and Church on the corner of the downtown plaza in Quito, Ecuador.

The statue of Our Lady of Good Success in her niche in the upper choir of the cloister where she governs and protects the Convent until the end of time.
 |  | Measuring Our Lady's height for the statue - Mother Mariana held one end of the corded belt of her habit, while Our Lady took the other and brought it to her forehead, with the cord stretching miraculously to the exact height.
The statue of the Child Jesus Crucified on Pichincha Mountain which is set on a side altar in the Conceptionist Church. The devotion has been approved by the Church since the 17th century. |
Stories and Miracles of Our Lady of Good Success (Book 2) is the continuation of Our Lady of Good Success, Prophecies for Our Times (Book 1)
Five color pictures featuring four of the miraculous statue of Our Lady of Good Success and one of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres. Descriptions and novena on the reverse sides.
Set of the following five cards, 4"x 5.5" - $2.50
To order this set of photos, click here
Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres |
Close-up of Our Lady |
Our Lady and the Infant Jesus |
Full statue on pedestal |
Full statue - stands 5'9" |
With the publishing of this book, Tradition in Action is pleased to make available
a set of five unique picture cards of Our Lady under various titles, along with a description and prayer on the reverse side.
Set of the following five cards, 4"x 5.5" - $2.50
To order this set of postcards, click here
Virgen Blanca |
Madonna del Miracolo |
Mother of Good Counsel of Genazzano |
Madonna della Fiducia |
Our Lady of Necessities |
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